Thursday, February 20, 2020

Anthopologist Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anthopologist - Term Paper Example Migration is the movement of people from one country to another for causes that are either for greener pasture or opportunities; desire to enjoy democratic freedom from conflict situations or for education, retirement or pleasure for new climate; and for a taste of better political hegemony. In United States, the pattern of migration developed anent with geopolitical expansion of United States of America in other major regions of the world. This is reflected to the kind of nationals US have these days who came from different poles of the world with distinct cultural structures, historical roots, political affiliations, economic characters and social contexts. A typology of immigrants showed that they came from Europe, Asia, Latin America and other areas of the world. They all leave their families, properties and the culture which molded them to wander into larger communities that require major adjustments in lifestyles despite uncertainties, of new laws, norms and social structures t hat could either assimilate them or marginalize them. Immigration therefore poses a challenge on how social relationship and interactions are accommodated in the mainstream of American society with comforting sense of belongingness. Many stories depict sad and great tales about issues on racial and identity that may relate to white’s colonial expansion and economic exploitation or to racial discrimination of African blacks which took a Hegelian success toward tribal unification and struggle for independence. This proved that migrants passed historic prejudicial processes which segregated them from the white in an ideation that their skin and identities are stamped with inferiority. This prejudice is a position made by dominant race with an imposing feeling and thought of disliking another person due too their native social characters. If such is actually manifested in behaviors by disqualifying or mistreating other people on the basis of membership, this becomes discriminatio n. The latter evolves into an institutional discrimination if prejudice and marginalization are done systematically as a state policy. A classic example of this case is the ironclad separation of black and white due to Apartheid policy—a law that socially segregate people by custom and laws and from black and white. This created problems on integration, organizational affiliation, access to the use of social facilities, and therefor cause disparities, inequalities or inequities in economy, politics or decision-makings, stature of very lives, distrust in social relations and, ergo, causing ethnocentrism and interracial conflicts in various forms. The situation inspired on US administrators to dialogue about migration, race and ethnicity in search for common ground and to recognize common values such as freedom, rights, fairness, security and justice in response to growing demands of immigrants for the state to look seriously into. The series of national dialogues also situate perspectives whether race is a significant issue in America and about the deep impact of ethnicity in the process of integrating and mainstreaming new people into American fold. Such meant a discursive discussion about accessing and providing equal opportunity and equal protection, education, jobs, health care and in availing for justice under the law. It also motivated America to enhance their understanding of migrant’s history by highlighting in dialogues the experiences of Natives, Afro-Americans, Latinos,

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

RF Energy Harvesting - Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

RF Energy Harvesting - - Literature review Example Energy harvesting allows for recycling and harvesting of wasted ambient electromagnetic energy to cater for the energy requirements of devices suing wireless technology such as wireless personal area networks (WPANs), wireless local networks (WLANs) and Cellular networks. In RF energy harvesting, electrical power is transmitted from one location to another without the application of an artificial conductor. As such, there is a significant requirement for rectennas to be present in the circuit as they important in the harvesting of ambient RF power. The rectennas should be preconditioned for efficient energy harvesting by ensuring good performance at low incident power density, relative high rectification efficiency at wide bandwidth and arbitrary polarization. The advantage of harvesting energy using rectennas is in its ability to generate unlimited energy due to it unlimited lifetime without the need of replacement as in batteries. Furthermore, the energy generated is green and ther efore suitable or energy sustainability (Suh & Chang, 2002). The term rectenna refers to a rectifying antenna that serves to combine the functions of high efficient rectifier circuits and an antennae at microwave power transmission systems. Rectennas were developed with the aim of completing the wireless power transmission system. The purpose of the rectennas is to convert electromagnetic wave into DC power after being received. Rectennas can exists in the their simplest form where they consist of multiple receiving antennae elements that enter a low pass filter circuits that is usually terminated at certain rectifying diodes. In RF energy harvesting, a rectenna is used due to its desirable characteristics; the efficiency of energy harvesting resulting from conversion of microwave power to DC power can reach 85% and they can be designed to cater for different desirable frequencies capable of harvesting RF power that is easy to design and economical

RF Energy Harvesting - Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

RF Energy Harvesting - - Literature review Example Energy harvesting allows for recycling and harvesting of wasted ambient electromagnetic energy to cater for the energy requirements of devices suing wireless technology such as wireless personal area networks (WPANs), wireless local networks (WLANs) and Cellular networks. In RF energy harvesting, electrical power is transmitted from one location to another without the application of an artificial conductor. As such, there is a significant requirement for rectennas to be present in the circuit as they important in the harvesting of ambient RF power. The rectennas should be preconditioned for efficient energy harvesting by ensuring good performance at low incident power density, relative high rectification efficiency at wide bandwidth and arbitrary polarization. The advantage of harvesting energy using rectennas is in its ability to generate unlimited energy due to it unlimited lifetime without the need of replacement as in batteries. Furthermore, the energy generated is green and ther efore suitable or energy sustainability (Suh & Chang, 2002). The term rectenna refers to a rectifying antenna that serves to combine the functions of high efficient rectifier circuits and an antennae at microwave power transmission systems. Rectennas were developed with the aim of completing the wireless power transmission system. The purpose of the rectennas is to convert electromagnetic wave into DC power after being received. Rectennas can exists in the their simplest form where they consist of multiple receiving antennae elements that enter a low pass filter circuits that is usually terminated at certain rectifying diodes. In RF energy harvesting, a rectenna is used due to its desirable characteristics; the efficiency of energy harvesting resulting from conversion of microwave power to DC power can reach 85% and they can be designed to cater for different desirable frequencies capable of harvesting RF power that is easy to design and economical

RF Energy Harvesting - Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

RF Energy Harvesting - - Literature review Example Energy harvesting allows for recycling and harvesting of wasted ambient electromagnetic energy to cater for the energy requirements of devices suing wireless technology such as wireless personal area networks (WPANs), wireless local networks (WLANs) and Cellular networks. In RF energy harvesting, electrical power is transmitted from one location to another without the application of an artificial conductor. As such, there is a significant requirement for rectennas to be present in the circuit as they important in the harvesting of ambient RF power. The rectennas should be preconditioned for efficient energy harvesting by ensuring good performance at low incident power density, relative high rectification efficiency at wide bandwidth and arbitrary polarization. The advantage of harvesting energy using rectennas is in its ability to generate unlimited energy due to it unlimited lifetime without the need of replacement as in batteries. Furthermore, the energy generated is green and ther efore suitable or energy sustainability (Suh & Chang, 2002). The term rectenna refers to a rectifying antenna that serves to combine the functions of high efficient rectifier circuits and an antennae at microwave power transmission systems. Rectennas were developed with the aim of completing the wireless power transmission system. The purpose of the rectennas is to convert electromagnetic wave into DC power after being received. Rectennas can exists in the their simplest form where they consist of multiple receiving antennae elements that enter a low pass filter circuits that is usually terminated at certain rectifying diodes. In RF energy harvesting, a rectenna is used due to its desirable characteristics; the efficiency of energy harvesting resulting from conversion of microwave power to DC power can reach 85% and they can be designed to cater for different desirable frequencies capable of harvesting RF power that is easy to design and economical