Monday, August 12, 2019

Industrial Revolution in the Late Nineteenth Century Assignment

Industrial Revolution in the Late Nineteenth Century - Assignment Example This plan, therefore, played a significant historical role because it contained communism in Western Europe (Divine G-10). Gulf of Tonkin Resolution The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution took place in 1964, after an American destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin was attacked by a North Vietnamese. As a result, President Johnson convinced the Congress to pass a resolution empowering him to attack Vietnam through the armed forces. This resolution was not only used by America as retaliation but also heightened its involvement in the Vietnam War. THE ESSAY Industrial Revolution in the Late Nineteenth Century In the late nineteenth century, the American economy marked a complete turnaround following the tremendous industrial revolution that took place around that time. Some of the major factors that contributed to these developments include new innovations in the business strategy and technology. These developments led to new ways of farming and manufacturing and, most importantly, increased the effici ency of these economic activities. Railroad was one of the important breakthroughs during this era of industrial revolution, which enhanced movement of people as well as goods, and stimulated a range of economic activities as well as business strategies in America. This essay will discuss the developments of the industrialization during the late nineteenth century, pointing out their benefits and drawbacks. Following the great industrial improvements after 1815, the market demand for different commodities led to innovation of speedy mass production and standardized methods of production. The first innovation in textile manufacturing was a fully developed factory system. This included invention of spinning machinery and the first cotton mills... In the late nineteenth century, the American economy marked a complete turnaround following the tremendous industrial revolution that took place around that time. Some of the major factors that contributed to these developments include new innovations in the business strategy and technology. These developments led to new ways of farming and manufacturing and, most importantly, increased the efficiency of these economic activities. Railroad was one of the important breakthroughs during this era of industrial revolution, which enhanced movement of people as well as goods, and stimulated a range of economic activities as well as business strategies in America. Following the great industrial improvements after 1815, the market demand for different commodities led to innovation of speedy mass production and standardized methods of production. The first innovation in textile manufacturing was a fully developed factory system. This included invention of spinning machinery and the first cott on mills that used power loom. This technology enabled use of a single factory to convert fiber into cloth. The technology greatly enhanced efficiency in the cloth industry.

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