Friday, September 27, 2019

Levandary cafe case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Levandary cafe - Case Study Example This was mainly in terms of design of the store as well as menu selection. Because of this, it is paramount for Foster to get more involved in the China’s business and strategic plan for effective adoption and ensure expansion in this region. Louis Chen is a self-driven CEO in charge of lavendary China but he faces immense resistance and negative attitude towards both the firm’s planning and reporting processes. This has yielded too many concerns among the Lavendary management thus there is a need for Foster to travel to China. This is to address varied and emerging management issues cited above. Mia Foster can opt to hire an international financial analyst for the Denver team- This is important though expensive to enable the use of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Hence, ensure the sustainability of the china business as it grows. Reduce the freedom given to Louis Chen through obtaining more information about the China operations and involving the home office in these operations. In addition, the Involvement of Mia foster in the china business plan will help in ensuring that Chen does not go too offline with his agendas. My recommendation encompasses reducing the extra freedom given to Louis Chen that he acquired from Howard. This will allow the management in the US to be involved in all the discussion concerning the China operations. This way, Chen cannot work on his authority alone and hence major design and menu selection alterations can only be approved by the management in the US. The management can also easily compel Chen’s team to use the standard reporting procedures used in the US. If this happens, a lot of costs will be reduced. Using the accepted standards will also make the audit much easier hence enhancing the business integrity. Critics may argue that cutting down the freedom of Louis Chen is not

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