Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Radicalization of American Muslims hearings Research Paper

Radicalization of American Muslims hearings - Research Paper Example Some people justify such hearings by saying that different evidences brought up in the courts by authentic witnesses play a pivotal role in cleaning up the mess, which is created by Al-Qaeda. The persistent efforts of Al-Qaeda to destabilize America by radicalizing the Muslim community are way too conspicuous to be ignored and these efforts can be effectively dealt with by proper radicalization hearings. It is believed by the proponents of radicalization hearings that such kinds of things provide a solid platform for probing the growing incidence of radicalization in America. Radicalization hearings are justified by King, the American legislator, who opinions that Al-Qaeda operatives are pretty active in America and these hearings do not aim to uselessly threaten the Muslim community but to raise the radicalization issues that put America in danger. (Goodman, 2011). Still, there are many people who strongly condemn such hearings and believe them to be merely an unfair means of singli ng out a community that is largely innocent and not prejudiced against the American government. They say that the American Muslims should stand up against the fake witnesses brought up in the unjustified series of hearings against the innocent Muslim community.

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