Thursday, December 26, 2019

Susan Glaspell s Trifles Essay - 966 Words

Abandoned places are always ready to tell a story, even the newly deserted ones. In Susan Glaspell’s play â€Å"Trifles,† the setting is the still, recently abandoned kitchen of a recently dead Mr. Wright. The story focuses on the sheriff’s and witness’s wives and their slow realization of who killed Mr. Wright and why. These realizations could not have happened if the wives were anywhere other than where they were. The time period, the kitchen itself, and the cheerlessness of the house all assist in unraveling the story of a house to be left behind. The time period of the play is between the late 1800s and the early 1900s. This aspect is very important throughout the play because of what the time period means for the female characters. In this rough time frame, women were not a big part of the functions of society. Most jobs were men’s only; this left the women to tend to the house and children. [PP2] Throughout the play, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale follow this stereotype as they focus on the homemaking aspects of what was left behind. The men are disdainful of this, saying, â€Å"held for murder and worryin’ about her preserves† (?) or â€Å"women are used to worrying over trifles† (?). They dismiss the wives as if they were children to be mollified until they have something to do, and they do not even consider the possibility of the wives lying or withholding information, despite the fact that they acted â€Å"loyal to [their] sex† (?) earlier in the play. That lack of consideration for womenShow MoreRelatedTrifles : Susan Glaspell s Trifles940 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is a trifle? A trifle is something that has little to no importance ( For instance, the color of your nails would be considered a trifle. In Trifles by Susan Glaspell, women are criticized and made fun of by men because of the little things they worry about, such as the color of their nails or their hair. This exhib its the gender role difference portrayed during the play’s time period. The central conflict is what the plot is centered around. In Trifles, the central conflictRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1732 Words   |  7 PagesSusan Glaspell (1876-1948) was an American-born Pulitzer Prize winning writer of both plays and fiction. Glaspell came from humble beginnings and went on to study at Drake University and the University of Chicago. Much of Glaspell s work dealt with the relationships between men and women and the negative effects they have on women. In Glaspell s play Trifles, it is revealed that the operations of patriarchy are just an illusion that men have created to make themselves feel superior to womenRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1577 Words   |  7 Pagesfeminism are published. One of those is ‘Trifles’ by Susan Glaspell as the American feminist movement addressed feminism at that time (Manuel, 57). There are several factors in Trifles represen ting the disadvantages of absence of feminism and the importance of feminism such as setting and situation. First, the setting, a first factor, implies the importance of feminism. In Trifles, the main setting is an isolated rural farmhouse. From the line 9 in Trifles, Mr.Hale mentioned the husband as a passiveRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 3309 Words   |  14 Pagesit’s all just a different kind of the same thing† (561) is a line spoken in Susan Glaspell’s play, Trifles. Writers look at the world around them and envision the way it should be. They take bits and pieces of their life’s landscape, add a liberal dose of surreal ideology and finally toss in human oppressions. To that end, the writer hopes to create a memorable character that can touch the human soul for eternity. Susan Glaspell, a writer in the early twentieth century, lived during a time when womenRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles Essay1460 Words   |  6 PagesAn Analysis of Susan Glaspell Trifles The play, Trifles by Susan Glaspell shows her preoccupation with gender and sex roles as notions of culture. The author is spells out the treatment of women as mere trifles in the society, as less important when compared to men. This calls for the questioning of the role of both men and women in the society with regard to the value and devalue given to perspective and knowledge. The reader should thus realize that women have an important role to play in theRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles Essay2025 Words   |  9 Pagescoming?† (Welty qtd. In Literature ). Trifles is a short play, by Susan Glaspell that was written in the 20th century when women were possession of the husband. The division between men and women in the play not just mentally or emotionally but it was also physically , and that symbolizes the different between genders at this time. Susan Glaspell shows that through her characters in this play. Glaspell uses the characters (Mr. Wright and Mrs. Wright) to prove how men wereRead MoreSusan Glaspell s `` Trifles ``924 Words   |  4 Pagesher hope for children, leaving her baron in her womb and her heart. He was a control maniac and demanded power in every aspect of this poor woman’s life; No Children, No Song, No Friends; she had nothing, which meant nothing to lose. In Susan Glaspell’s drama, â€Å"Trifles†, we explore the gender inequality between men and women of that time and why that has such a large influence on the murder investigation. The women in this novel and of this time period seemed to have hope pre-marriage, Mrs. WrightRead MoreAn Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 983 Words   |  4 Pagespreconception someone makes based on gender, race, or religion that in this case is by gender, and affects women based on their expected gender roles. Women endlessly have expectations that go along with being a wife, mother, or simply a female. In Trifles by Susan Glaspell, 1955 by Alice Walker, and Girl by Jamaica Kincaid women are stereotyped by men and told to follow unwritten but expected roles such as being seen and not heard. As well as how they present themselves, their behavior, and tasks they needRead MoreSusan Glaspell s The Play Trifles1410 Words   |  6 Pages The play Trifles by Susan Glaspell is a very powerful play that conveys a strong meaning to the audience. The meaning that Susan Glaspell conveys through this play is the importance of women to stick together and rise up against the suppression of their gender. This message can be felt strongly while reading this play. Susan Glaspell does an outstanding job incorporating this message into an interesting, captivating plot. This play was written around the time where woman’s social equality wasRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Play Trifles870 Words   |  4 PagesIn the Susan Glaspell s play Trifles, gender plays a huge roll in everyday life. Trifles is an exemplary example of the war between male and female. It creates a scene where women are less deserving than the men. Women are used as stepping stones or told to remain dedicated to the male power. Females are the lesser creatures compared to the men who have the power. The play paints a scene where women are in compliance to this unwritten code of conduct expected for them. Towards the end of the play

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Advertising and New Customers - 2107 Words

1) Edwards Manufacturing Company purchases two component parts from three different suppliers. The suppliers have limited capacity, and no one supplier can meet all the company’s needs. In addition, the suppliers charge different prices for the components. Supplier Component 1 2 3 1 $12 $13 $14 2 $10 $11 $10 Each supplier has a limited capacity in terms of the total number components it can supply. However, as long as Edwards provides sufficient advance orders, each supplier can devote its capacity to component 1, component 2, or any combination of the two compoents, if the total number of units ordered is within its capacity. Supplier 1 2 3 Capacity 600 1000 800 If the Edwards production plan for the next†¦show more content†¦Warehouse facilities are located in Albany, New York, and Portsmouth, new Hampshire. Distributors are located in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. The plant capacities and distributor demands for the next month are as follows: Plant Capacity (units) Distributor Demand (units) Augusta 300 Boston 150 Tupper Lake 100 New York 100 Philadelphia 150 The unit transportation costs (in $) for shipments from the two plants o the two warehouses and from the two warehouses to the three distributors are as follows: Warehouse Plant Albany Portsmouth Augusta 7 5 Tupper Lake 3 4 Distributor Warehouse Boston New York Philadelphia Albany 8 5 7 Portsmouth 5 6 10 a. Formulate the Adirondack Paper Mills problem as a linear programming problem. b. Solve the linear program o determine the minimum cost shipping schedule for the problem. 5) The Darby Company manufactures and distributes meter used to measure electric power consumption. The company started with a small production plant in El Paso and gradually built a customer base throughout Texas. A distribution center was established in Ft. Worth, Texas later, as business expanded to the north; a second distribution center was established in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The El Paso plant was expanded when the company began marketing its meters in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. With the growth of the West Coast business, theShow MoreRelatedAdvertising and New Customers2095 Words   |  9 PagesPaper Mills, Inc., operates paper plants in Augusta, Maine, and tupper Lake, New York. Warehouse facilities are located in Albany, New York, and Portsmouth, new Hampshire. Distributors are located in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Mystery Shopping in Walmart Supermarket

Question: Write an essay on Mystery Shopping in Walmart Supermarket. Answer: Abstract This paper is a problem-oriented research case study undertaken in Walmart supermarket. The present study investigates how the supermarket offers its services about the service marketing. The study is meant to answer the issues being faced by the supermarket in the provision of services. It reveals why the majority of consumers have negative feelings concerning the services of the supermarket. The survey shows that the problem Walmart supermarket is facing critical and requires appropriate changes to be made. The research identifies the problems and relevant recommendations. This study was conducted through mystery shopping method where I walked in the supermarket and did the research. The primary method used to collect information was through observation. Recommendations are given according to the problems identified. The management of the supermarket should apply fundamental issues identified to improve the standards of the business. The supervisors employed by the company should p rovide their services according to the agreement. The company should maximize on the online selling to avoid the congestion in the premises during pick seasons. Background Walmart is a large business entity which operates in the sale of-of goods, storage for other businesses such construction firms. Walmart has been in operation for years providing different types of services to the public. The interview conducted outside the mystery shopping reveals one customer who is loyal to the supermarket who started shopping here when he was still a young man.[1] This business started the long time ago and had ornamented the market since then. Recently most of the consumers have been facing difficulty in receiving the services. Which according to the service market the business should increase their resources to maximize sales. According to the service marketing framework, the services being offered by the supermarket is classified under retail stores. Therefore, the research program I performed is based on the retail store mystery shopping. The service classification framework, in this case, requires a mystery worker to carry out some observation. Shoppers have an obligation to observe customer experience in overall aspects; health standards in the supermarket, the rate of service provision and overall service scan. The case is based on the services provided in the supermarket. The service offered by the employee should be according to the services as outlined in the blueprint of the supermarket. The supermarket offers the particular process to be followed in their work line of operation. The framework requires all workers to follow a given procedure when offering their duties. The process is precisely defined, containing goals and planning as I observed based on evidence. I entered the supermarket as a my stery shopper determined to check on how the workers conduct themselves according to goals. As I arrived at the door, I get served well but learn that some of the workers do not have tags and badges. This is as a result of a specified objective. The shopping requires the establishment of metrics. Here the shopper is expected to check on the ethics in business. They organize the scope for the shopping for the customers based on the size of the firm. I got served with a lot of smiles but takes notes on the matters which are not according to the business framework. Ericsons User Service Performance Framework Proficient illustration of service delivery uses Ericsons model to demonstrate the inter-linkages between the attendants in the supermarket, in this context, and the customers. Indeed, the model explains that efficient and time-effective service delivery channel engages the use of innovative mechanisms as well as reuses proven technique. The outstanding qualities in to achieve this, as is shown by the model, includes creativity, having a versatile service team that works within a framework of efficiency and robustly flexible procedures, putting the customers interest first. This model helped set the requirements at the system service level through the use of user studies, and definition of system service KPIs which is a reflection of the user experience. The output of this model was secured predictable user-service performance. It enabled me verify system service performance values in Walmart supermarket as the test environment using appropriate network load. Through this model I was also able to verify the system service assurance architecture as well as reports for the systems service KPIs that have already been defined. I was also able to provide a system audit as well as standards to help undertake a comprehensive mystery shopping research which helped assessed the challenges faced by Walmart Supermarket. Throughout of my study, this model has been critical since service performance has remained an important differentiator in supermarket sales. The innovation showcased by Ericson became so much instrumental since the model provided me with adequate KPIs indicators that I used a benchmark to assess the challenges facing Walmart supermarket. This user service performance framework helped showcase how operators can emphasize requirements which influence the shoppers experience. The model was relevant in this study since it has clearly differentiated service into system services as well as user service which outlined a sound foundation from where I measured as well as monitored services as shoppers came in and leave. It enabled me to know the performance of system services which helped me to cost-effectively monitor every service in Walmart Supermarket. Accordingly, I was able to identify as well as monitor a selection of system-service KPIs which in turn assisted me in the determination of the existence of service quality for every session in the supermarket. Process of Service Provision The business blueprint is the architect of the business service provision. The process of providing services to the customers takes place in steps as observed.[2] The process depends on the service required by the client whether online purchasing or physical. The company blueprint indicates that the customer who wants to purchase online has to develop contact with the online site. The consumer orders for the services, employees who are dealing with online selling platforms respond by giving the direction.[3] They are then required to take the service to the consumer where they are located. The customer of the service then makes payment including transport fee, and the process ends. On the other hand, direct purchasing follows another procedure. The process begins at the point of the entrance where the customer is given direction based on the kind of service needed.[4] The consumer then moves and gets the service and makes payments at the cashier desk. After the payment, the buyer may be given after sale service which can be in any form based on the kind of service offered. All the services being provided by the supermarket is expected to follow the procedure as prescribed to ensure maximum sales. Problems facing Walmart supermarket Based on the retail store mystery shopping I conducted in Walmart., I came across several problems within the business. The efficient way to develop an understanding between consumers and the service providers is via appropriate communication. According to my research on the consumers relation and the supermarket workers, it is evident that there is the ineffective relationship. The works employed to help buyers to locate particular location goods do not operate their job accordingly to the requirements.[5] I asked one of the workers to assist me finding some of the services I needed but never reacted as expected. I failed to identify a supervisor who moves on observing what is taking place. The security officers at the entrance of the premise never conducted the scanning since they focused on their discussion leaving their work. This is as a result of poor communication between the clients who are the managers of the business under observation and the shoppers. Mystery shopper goes to the management of a supermarket and gives a least of the comment made.[6] The director of the store rejects the issues because there is no right channel of communication. The company is also lacking properly stipulated marketing research methods which are an essential factor in the survival and profitability of a given business entity. Service marketing is not complete without information thus it is evident that the company might incur losses.[7] Marketing research provides information that enables a service provider to address the challenges and issues affecting the business. The survey I conducted reveals that most of the services provided by this supermarket are done physically. The company mostly deals with direct selling, after my shopping, I stayed for almost twenty minutes before making payments due to congestion. When the majority of consumers purchase commodities directly, the business, therefore, faces congestion since the workers are not able to operate fast enough to avoid the bottlenecks. This leads to deteriorating sales curve on the services offered by the supermarket in the market. According to the research, it is evident that the company is facing a lot of challenges.[8] Though the company gets money from their services to clients, the challenges are also affecting the sale. Walmart supermarket research findings are not satisfactory in most occasions as employees and managers dispute them. This negative response affects the supermarkets reputation in the market. This supermarket does not show the demonstration of profits back into the business investment. This issue has made the supermarket to show slow expansion in the market. The credibility of the employees here is questionable as majorities are not skilled in handling customers to meet the scope of the business. One of the workers I interviewed said that sometimes they even forget some of the duties in their lists of work.[9] My market survey shows that there is little correlation between results given to the stores management the workers this deviation indicates the lack of communication which is not suitable for the business. [10] A store conducted their consumers response survey to identify how skilled their employees operate. They compared their results with that of a shopping company which never matched. Lastly, another problem revealed from the market research is delayed response from the workers. There is no more focus on the external administration. The company focuses more on the internal management leaving other issues related to marketing. This has affected the sales of provided by commodities by the supermarket. Recommendation Mystery shopping is not only relevant to its goals when proper measures are put in place. As such, the Ericksons service delivery frameworks shows that was not very efficient in dispensing mystery shopping function, therefore Walmart managers should come out with a clear way of passing information. They need to get out and share these challenges with the employees to ensure the survival of the business. Further, a good communication system should be developed between the management and the customers to facilitate the profitability and performance. The credibility of the workers should be enhanced. It is recommended that the online operators should provide immediate results to enable their clients to make quick sales.[11] Moreover, the management should ensure that there is follow-up on the workers to eradicate the deviation of opinions between the secret shopper and average shoppers. Sale managers should come up with a way of conducting their marketing research. It is recommended to use more than on shopper to research on one business entity to ensure that the results are positive. The issues related to the incredibility of the employees should be solved through educating them on how to perform their duties. The directors of the supermarket should organize frequent training for the employees to reduce their incredibility and enhance their skills to meet market expectation and customers desire. The business is also recommended to employ workers who are having experience in the field and able to provide results in time to the clients. It is also for the managers to be trained to have perfect skills on the management of the business. The stores management should make inquiries and consultation while dealing with customers from the experts. The marketing management should develop the application of a market research on the comprehensive market research. The research concerning the client should be conducted to enable the rewarding the loyal customers.[12] In conclusion, the above recommendations should be put into practice by Walmart supermarket to ensure its survival in the market and maintain the profitability. These interventions will address the above diagnosed problem. Deduction/Conclusion From the mystery shopping researcher I conducted in Walmart Supermarket, several challenges have been discovered that affects the firms shopping experience leading to negative perception among its customers. Creating a sustained competitive advantage is effective tool in this competitive market, and, therefore, Walmart needs to adopt the recommendations suggested in this paper to restore customers positive perception about its shopping experiences. Communication breakdown in the firm contributes to negative shopping experience and this is a major challenge in this supermarket. Accordingly, Walmart will create sustained competitive advantage when it boosts is communication strategies across all its stakeholders thereby improving its sales volume. Therefore, the finding of this research urges Walmart Supermarket to immediately implement all the recommendations for effective and positive shopping experience which in turn leads to increased loyalty. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Starbucks-Going Global Fast free essay sample

A – Summary: This case was prepared in 2002, therefore, numbers and references also used at the time of the preparation. Starbucks is one of the largest chains of coffee shops in the world. Their business first started in the early 80s on Sixth Avenue and Pine Street in downtown Seattle as a tiny chain coffee shop. Then, they grew up rapidly in the 90s and spread out 5,689 outlets within 28 countries in 2002. Being very well managed by a well seasoned management team which is known as H2O from the combination of 3 names: Howard Schultz (Chairman and Chief Global Strategist), Howard Behar (Head of North American Operations) and Orion Smith (CEO), this first chain of Starbucks was successfully popular on that time. Since it went public in 1991, the company has expanded colossally. But it also encountered many problems. It was faced with the problem that it had mounted in home and abroad. The period of the Starbucks’ success was the baby boomers in the 90s, but now it change. We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks-Going Global Fast or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Generation X is different with before, now does not like the environment of the shop, in addition of the young generation feel out of place in the coffee shop. Once of their causes is also the price of coffee seems to be little expensive to them. Being with not much competition likes Mc Donald’s at that time, but they also faced with the competitors such as Tully’s coffee shop. Besides, they also faced with employees’ discontentment. The expensive and aggressive marketing strategy has given Starbucks market dominancy. In account of their earning $181. million in the year 2000, although sales was still growing, but it started grow in a decreasing rate. The problem is their aggressive strategy and attitude towards competitors. They not only grew rivalry with local business people but also starting lost customers. And it became so difficult to them to maintain their growth of 20% only on domestic market. Therefore, they decided to spread out overseas. The larges t overseas market of Starbucks was Japan within 368 shops. Then, UK was their second biggest overseas market within 310 stores. By the end of 2001, they started gain the new market in the Middle East. Their target is having 10,000 outlets abroad by the next 3 years. Simultaneously, they still repositioned their domestic market by adding new service, such as internet, fast food and so on. However, their largest overseas market, Japan has started be decline during 2001. Therefore, Starbucks need to readjust their strategies as well as reposition themselves to recovery and rise up their turnover from the fall. B – Discuss questions: Q1 – Identify the controllable and uncontrollable elements that Starbucks has encountered in entering global markets. These controllable elements are identified through the state of which country. First of all, price in Italian coffee bars prosper by serving food as well as coffee, which is an area where Starbucks struggles. Moreover, Italian coffee is cheaper than. Americans pay around $1. 5 for an espresso while it’s just 67 cents of price in northern Italia and 55 cents in the southern. On the other hand, Starbucks faced with uncontrollable elements with Japan, France and Vienna. There was competition among rival shops in Japan as well as economic depression. In addition, in France, they met up with the political and legal bindings because of France’s arcane regulations and generous labor benefits. Besides, In Vienna, culture is the element which was bringing positive advantages in expanding their business compared to existing coffee shops here. The cause is young people are always enthusiastic about new and easily embrace the new. Q2 – What are the major sources of risk facing the company? Discuss potential solutions. Starbucks faced with 3 major risks at domestic region. One risk is the saturation of the USA market condition. They started with just 17 coffee shops in Seattle 15 years ago but now increase amazingly to the number of 4,247 stores scattered across US and Canada. Then, it brings Starbucks consideration of the upper limit carefully in this market as a result. Another risk is starting losing customers. The major cause is customers have limited available options which satisfy their huge complex changing requirements. The last risk is less but not least with the feeling comfortable for young generation (X). In after all, global expansion poses huge risks for Starbucks which makes less money on their overseas market because most of them are operated with local partners. Based on the risks which Starbucks faced above, there are some suggestion may help to identify the potential solution for this case: With the 1st risk, the saturation market can be overcome by focusing on international or global marketing. Focusing on increase quality of service and quality of coffee may help prevent this risk. It seems easier to prevent the 2nd risk by increase more add-on service as well as more options, include multiple choices or mixture choices for customers. As they was facing with ominously hostile reception from its future consumer (generation X), a repositioning their coffee shops’ environmental strategy or pricing strategy by promotional event such as discount for ages, or saving Starbucks’ credit to gain the new promotional award (discount or add-on products) may help to keep this market attention. Q3 – Critique Starbucks’ overall corporate strategy. There are mismatch between their corporate strategies and the customers’ expectation. One of their strategies, the believe that the more outlets, the more sales, they tried to increase the number of their outlets but not increase customers’ satisfaction within their product and service. Another mismatch is the no differential pricing for generation x or younger generation while their target customers are baby boomer generation. Next, although Starbucks was fully control its business in USA, but it had any related control outside the USA which leads the dependence on the franchises’ undermines the strength of is outside. In addition, become a global brand but Starbucks’ budget for its business management was low compared with its status. Starbuck spent just only 1% of its revenue as advertisement, whereas most of the similar companies’ size spent at least 10% revenue. Furthermore, they have focused on the product concept which narrowed the attitude in marketing strategy. Besides, dissatisfied attitudes from employees for their salary within their work load cause affecting sterling service and even the coffee itself. One more of important thing are the understanding differences between various cultural and ethnic affairs, such as Muslim dominated regions. Q4 – How might Starbucks improve profitability in Japan? According to the present cultural trend in Japan, younger generation is habit spending their time in a constructive manner. In order to increase the profitability in Japan, they should reposition their product and service to fit with the Japanese culture, especially the young generation. One more hing is Japanese are less conscious about the price, so they may consider about their pricing strategy because the culture in work, Japanese have very less time for their leisure. One of the problems of Starbucks in Japan is from the local competitors which are providing the same fare. Then, Starbucks’ market share can be easily eaten up by local brands. So, pricing strategy should be considered overall carefully. Besides, US also work busy, therefore, Starbucks can introduce the US style online system be part of Japan style, so that it can provide more convenient for Japanese customers. Finally, Japanese youth usually lead the new fashion of their own style, so they will be attracted if Starbuck create the new style for them on their advertisement or bring the new culture, new interesting cultural campaign or entertainment campaign. In times of recessive economic, extra and colorful activities are necessary to boost up their sales. More and more flexible option service as well as increasing convenient will be helpful for improve profitability in Japan.