Friday, January 3, 2020

Female Priests And The Gender Inequality Within The...

Female priests and the gender inequality within the Catholic Church From the rampant persecution of science and inquiry during the Age of Enlightenment, to the condemnation of abortion and the use of contraceptives in the most HIV/AIDS ridden regions of Africa today, the Catholic Church has nearly always been the â€Å"thorn in the side† of progressive ideas, movements, organizations, and institutions. Today the Catholic Church remains one of the largest religious entities on the planet, with nineteen percent of the world’s population and a half of all Christians adhering to its religious doctrines (Catholic Desires for Change†). Catholicism is unique among Christian secs for its incredibly long history and staunch traditionalism. The church structure has remained almost unchanged since the time of the Roman Empire, and its doctrines are slow evolving at best. The Catholic Church only recently amended its stance on the heliocentric nature of the solar system, when in nineteen ninety two Pope John Paul II exonerated Galileo Galilei ’s crimes of heresy, three centuries after the man’s death (Cowell, 1992). As many western institutions begin to diversify their gender and ethnic makeup, the Catholic Church has remained almost devoid of female participation in all positions of authority and significance. The Church’s sedated progressivism has never been more egregious than in the rapidly changing society of the last half century, with the millennia old barriers of sexism rapidlyShow MoreRelated Utopia Essay1183 Words   |  5 Pageswell as social critique. Hythloday cannot stand the inequalities and injustices on the existing England and Europe and reveals possibilities for reform using his example of a Utopian society. The second part is written through the eyes of Hythloday and his explanation of the Utopian society of More. 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