Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Equity and Equality - 1007 Words

Youssef Haddad Professor Black English 1101 9 Nov 2013 Equality Vs. Equity: People and The Law Throughout the history of mankind and specially in modern times, many struggles emerged from people’s suppressed anger and hatred of the feudalism and the ruling monopolistic powers, and in their effort to create a system most suitable to their wants and desires and what they take as â€Å"values† and â€Å"rights† they stumbled on what is to this very day one of the most important and complicated dilemmas of human philosophy: how do we choose between equality and equity? What is the better choice? Do we prefer similarity or justice? And many questions as such, and as other ideas and ideologies go, it remains a major†¦show more content†¦Dr P. Braveman, â€Å"Defining equity in health†, J Epidemiol Community Health 2003; 57:254-258 doi: 10.1136/ jech.57.4.254. Paula Braveman’s education is as follows: MD, MPH is Professor of Family and Community Medicine and Director of the Center on Social Disparities in Health at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), For more than 25 years, she has studied and published extensively on health equity and the social determinants of health, and has worked to bring attention to these issues in the U.S. and internationally, During the 1990s she collaborated with World Health Organization staff in Geneva to develop a global initiative on equity in health and health care. Her research has focused on measuring, documenting, understanding, and addressing socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities, particularly in maternal and infant health, for those exact reasons, I choose her to contribute to my studies based on her extensive knowledge and research in this particular division, and her portfolio proves that quite sufficiently. Andrew M Jones, 1995. A microeconometric analysis of smoking in the UK health and lifestyle survey, Working Papers 139chedp, Centre for Health Economics, University of York. Andrew Michael Jones’sShow MoreRelatedEquity and Equality723 Words   |  3 PagesEquity and Equality Jaime Matta Concordia Online Community of Learners EDGR 595 Karen Billette February 27, 2012 Educational equity refers to equal access, opportunities, and expectations in education for all persons, irrespective of their backgrounds or status. 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